Post-production is said to take longer than the filming process itself, and let’s just say I can definitely confirm this statement. Filming was quick and easy but the post-production takes lots of time and skill to complete. There are so many choices to make in a certain time frame. In our post-production, we worked on the editing which I spoke about in the last blog but there are many other elements. Color correcting is one of these elements to make sure the film looks consistent.
Removing unwanted noises in the background is also very important, especially when we wanted to add music to the scene. An important aspect of the film was also the dull tones when Oscar is inside the classroom compared to when he finally makes it outside the colors immediately become more saturated. This is completed during post-production. Overall the finished product of our film came out great and I’m confident with the way it turned out!
Image showing how our character associated outside with bright colors: